Kermit King Frogs LEAP!

LEAP into Leadership!
Each Kermit King staff member is committed to using the proactive approach of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports, or PBIS, in order to create a safe and healthy school culture where students can thrive socially, emotionally, and academically. We have established systems of support to promote and reinforce excellent behaviors. We believe that when students feel safe, valued and supported, they are empowered to be leaders and accomplish great things. We refer to this as being LEAP stars. We all strive each day to be LEAP stars. Here are words from our Student Council Executive Board on the characteristics of being a LEAPstar:
L is for Leaders. At Kermit King we show we are leaders in many ways. As 5th and 4th grade students we can serve in Student Council and on green team, which helps take care of our garden worms. We have classes that pair up and allow the older students to help teach our younger frogs. For example, Mrs. Arce’s 3rd grade class worked with the TK class to teach them the LEAP chant, reads with them, and even taught them how to bounce and pass a ball during PE. We are leaders every time we set a good example or help others.
Slide 6 (Coco):
E represents our second leap star trait of encourage each other. We witness students encouraging each other both inside and outside the classroom daily. If you are at Kermit King during recess or at elementary athletics events, like cross country or volleyball, you can hear students chanting for each other. We also hear students say things like “you can do it”, “you’ve got this” or “believe in yourself” as we are working hard learning academics in the classroom. When we encourage each other, we help each other accomplish our goals.
Slide 7 (Penelope):
Acting Responsibly is the 3rd leap star trait. Acting responsibly can be done in simple ways including keeping our bodies to ourselves, listening to others, taking turns, and using our learning tools properly. When we make mistakes, we can act responsibly by apologizing and trying to make right what we did. If we are experiencing conflict with others, we can use our “I statements” like saying “I felt sad when you took my marker. Next time will you please ask to borrow it” or get help from adults, if we need it. When we are all acting responsibly, everyone at Kermit King can feel safe, learn, and have fun.
Slide 8 (Izeah):
Positive attitudes make a difference in how we learn and how we feel about school. We show we have positive attitudes when we smile, believe in ourselves and others, continue to try, and even when work is challenging. When we work and play with a positive attitude, we can help brighten another person’s day.
What do Kermit King Frogs Do?
Kermit King Frogs LEAP.
Encourage Each Other
Act Responsibly and have a
Positive Attitude.
Go Frogs!